
Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 38: Frosty Patch

Ever have a day when you feel it would have probably been best just to sleep in, grab a book, and generally not do anything that requires brainwork because of chances of malfunction?  Well, today is one of those days--and it's only half over!

Every Friday I take an hour long drive to Bedford  for a regular appointment.  The drive has been absolutely beautiful the last few weeks with all the trees putting on a gloreous Autumn show.  I always (OK--mostly) have at least my point-and-shoot along just in case I see something for my photo of the day, and today I was so proud to have brought my DSLR--my baby--along with as well.

Pride cometh before the fall.

To get to my appointment, I drive over a mountain.  OK--in my BC world, it's a hill on steroids, but here in PA--a mountain.  It's always cooler along the ridge, and last night there was a bit of freezing rain, and this morning every twig and piece of grass and plant was covered in ice.  So I turned around. parked, and reached for my good camera.

Only to discover that the memory card was safely and uselessly lying at home beside my computer.

Luckily, I had the point and shoot, but the pictures aren't nearly as sharp. Fog, early morning, and a gentle but persistent misty rain all conspired with my point and shoot to give me busy shots.

Ah well.  Here they are:

On the way back, I always pass this little spot.  Today I saw it, parked, ran back in the rain, and took a picture.  Maybe next week there still will be leaves and it will be brighter and everything will be beautiful and...and...oh phooey.  At least I have this:

I won't go into leaving 20 minutes early for the appointment in case of freezing rain, making pretty good time until missing the turn (not sure how--I was daydreaming, obviously), and driving 10 miles out of the way before thinking, "We're not in Kansas anymore.  Or maybe we are--I usually don't drive by cornfields on the way to Bedford." Long story short, I left 20 minutes early and arrived ten minutes late.

Yup. Halfzheimers and I are getting aquainted.


  1. What wonderful photos-- especially the snowflake-looking one. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh, you're WAY too picky...they're beautiful photos...altho they make me sad for the season that's to come!

    Lovely photos, though!

  3. Thanks, Cherry and Kathryn. Even though it was a frustrating morning, it was kind of funny how I kept forgetting everything. Oy. :oD I appreciate the compliments. I tend toward being overly self critical, which can be aggravating. :oD

  4. Those are beautiful! We don't have ice here yet. Soon though!

    I really like the first two photos :)


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