
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pink Lady

I'm very much a newbie when it comes to photo editing of any kind, but today thought to try my hand at a little selective colorization.  It took me forever!  I know there's an easier way, but since it's so new to me, I probably did it in the most slow, tedious way possible.  In any event, I'm pretty pleased with the result.  What do you think?


  1. Like the picture...but "pink lady" reminds me of those little drug concoctions Mom used to mix up for people at the hospital all the nurses called pink ladies! I bet you learned all sorts of things about selective colorization doing this. Looking forward to seeing the next one.

  2. LOL! Pink lady reminds me of Grease. :o) Kinda forgot about Mom's hospital shots. And Pepto-Bismol...

  3. I love this photo and the whole color effect. Nice :)

    You have some great photos on this blog, looking forward to more!

    I'm not sure how I came across your blog but I'm glad I did :P

    Keep it up!


  4. I'm glad that you came across it as well, Corina! I just popped over to your place for a quick gander. You have some lovely photos, too! :o) Have a lovely day.


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