
Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 55: Stuffed Pumpkin

Every Autumn, we stuff a pumpkin. I can't remember when I first had one of these--mom used to do them, and I continued after moving away.  There's not really much to one, except that they look kind of neat on the table. 

Today, Julia went out and gathered a bunch of leaves to put around it.

Just as we were getting ready to sit down and eat, we hear a knocking at the door.  Argh--who could it be visiting at dinner time, for goodness sake?  "Hello--we're missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."  Us:  "Have you eaten yet?"  "No, we're just out tracting."  "Well come on in!"  So they did.  And just as Elder #1 was dishing up, he says, "Are there tomatoes in this?"  "Yes."  "Elder #2 is allergic to tomatoes."  Awkward.  "Hang on!"  So downstairs I go, grab some sausage, potatoes, vegies.  To the microwave and the stove and whew.  I can feed the guy.  Meanwhile, though, A is getting crazy (time change=grumpy earlier), so I head upstairs with him, leaving dinner on the table.

Finally, after everyone was in bed, I came downstairs, dished up, and reheated it.  And it was the perfct ending to the day.  I wouldn't say it's fancy food.  It's pretty basic and comfy comfy. 

And easy to make.  Here's how:

Give a lobotomy to a medium sized pumpkin and scoop out the innerds.
Salt the inside.
Place upside down in a good sized pan with about an inch of water in the bottom.  Lid, too.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.

In the meatime, cook 1-1/2 cups of rice the usual way (I used beef broth, though).  While that's doing it's thing, brown a pound of hamburger or sausage with an onion. Add a can of diced tomotoes.  Season to taste.  Throw in some vegetables.  Mix the cooked rice with the meat mixture. 

Take out the pumpkin, dump out the water, and turn the pumpkin right side up.  Stuff the rice in the pumpkin.  Stick it back in the oven and bake for another half hour until the pumpkin is tender.  When you serve it, be sure and scoop out the cooked pumpkin, too.  Butter and salt and yum!

Last year I think I did something different, but I can't remember anything really except there was some curry in it, I think.  Really, you can make whatever slumgullion deal you want for the inside.



  1. You fed the missionaries! I think you must be the nicest person I know (or don't know, but you know what I mean...)!
    I love the whole stuffed pumpkin idea, it just looks like something the pilgrims and Indians (and missionaries) would share.

  2. Maureen, it was my small way of providing a community service:

    1. They won't be knocking on anyone else's door during dinner hour when people are trying to eat.
    2. They'll be fed, and their mothers would be glad to know that their sons who are far from home are being taken care of.

    So, not really nice. Just practical. And they're really good guys to have in your home. You can bet that they won't swipe the silverware or your grandmother's candlesticks. :oD

  3. So glad you posted the recipe for stuffed pumpkin! I use to make it a long time ago but have not made it for awhile! Shane says the pumpkin is the most under appreciated vegetable!! He loves baked pumpkin! Guess what we are having for supper tonight?? ;0)

  4. ps: I am envious of you getting to feed the missionaries! Oh how I miss those days in Burns! It is nice to know our missionaries are well taken of!!

  5. Oh, YUM! That sounds sooo good! I can't believe you invited them are my HERO!

  6. HA! I guess I should mention that I'm Mormon, albeit a down to earth one who can understand not wanting to be interrupted right at the busiest, familiest time of the day. So I haul the missionaries in if they show up around then, which doesn't happen very often. I see I should have been more clear in my post. Can I still be your hero? :o)


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