
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 57 Corner View: Contrast

I cannot think of anything to photograph to do with contrast today, although I've taken a lot of photos and posted this month with contrast:  brownie (hot) ice cream (cold), piano keys (black and white), thumbs (short and long).  So here's one that I took this week that I didn't really think of as a contrast photo until I switched it to black and white--and now it definitely works.  The sun was just right for capturing the shadows.  Not great for portraits, but for this it did the trick. 

And now I'm going to head over to Dana's place to check out other corner views.  She has been our kind and gracious temporary hostess while Jane has been away.  Why not come along, and we'll take a look-see together.  Yes?  Good!  Meet you there!


  1. Great photo. It really does work well as a black and white.

  2. Indeed! A great photo for reflection-- of light and thoughts :)

  3. Great photo :)
    Guess what! I received my very first Blog Award
    today and I'm passing it on to you. You really deserve it. Check it out on my blog.

    Through The Photographs

  4. What a sweet photo! Love the little girl with her legs all tucked in just so....

    You've captured the magic of summer...I even noticed she's wearing short sleeves. I wish I were!
    YAY to no word verification...hitting "post comment"....NOW!

  5. When Pigs Fly: Thanks. I tried it out just on a whim. Good thing, too, or I'd have nothing to post today!

    CherryB: It was fun. My thoughts whenever I see her swing? "I'm glad I don't have to push her anymore!"

    Corina: Thanks so much, dahling! I don't know what to say... :o)

    Kathryn: HA! I didn't even think about having WV on, so I'm glad you reminded us today. I have a photo a couple years ago of the kids in January wearing short sleeves. Two days later, they were in their snowsuits making snowmen. *shakes head*

    Line: Thanks for stopping by. It was an accidental, "I've got my camera and I have no idea what else to take a photo of" shot. :o)

  6. more shadows! hooray!
    that pic's just great, perfect for the post, right?

  7. Nice shot. I always think a photograph is good when it makes me stop and think.


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