
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 84: Something Fantastic

Every morning before I start typing for work, I read a couple of my favorite blogs, among them Nat.  This morning, she wanted to know what was fantastic in everyone's life.  I thought and thought, and at the time, the only thing I could come up with was that I had pecan tassie dough in the fridge that I was going to make into little morsels of delishiousness today.  Also our usual Monday Family Night had to be postponed to tonight since Meryl and the kids were out until late, and Julia had decided that we were going to dip pretzels together, sicne it was her turn to choose the treat.  Chocolate dipped pretzels?  Fantastic!

I knew it was going to be a busy day, but nothing was going to get in the way of dipped pretzels.  Nothing.


It's 9:00, the kids are all tucked into bed, and if I dip the pretzels now by myself, my name will be mud.  And the tassies didn't get done either!  Fantastic, at least this part of fantastic, didn't happen today. 

But for Nat and because I don't want any more therapy than necessary, here are a few things that are fantastic.

  • My family is fantastic.  I'm lucky that way.

  • Being able to make it through this past year and half economically as well as in other respects is fantastic.  A miracle, frankly.

  • Working with the young women at church is fantastic.  Their energy and enthusiasm inspire me.

  • Having a husband who loves me and is patient even when I'm not easy to love is fantastic.

  • Being able to indulge in an interest that I love is fantastic.

  • Chocolate? Fantastic.  And having some Dove Dark in a bag ready for my consumption as we speak is:  Fantastic!

  • Being asked to play the piano in church in two weeks, thus having a really good reason to be able to practice and play every day when I'd otherwise not take the time?  Fantastic.

  • Having a nice electric heater that, even now, is keeping me toasty is fantastic.

  • My body is fantastic!  Seriously.  I'm no beauty and I have some pretty obvious figure flaws, but the fact that I have a body that works, for the most part, is awesome. 

  • A warm kitty-cat on my toes is fantastic.

  • Snuggling with my kids is fantastic.

  • Even though I can complain about a million things wrong with our house, the fact that we have one and the mortgage is within our current means is fantastic.

  • That full moon tonight is fantastic.  I couldn't stop looking at it when we were out this evening bringing Julia home from choir, and I had to marvel again at how the universe is so perfectly, beautifully, and wonderfully organized.

  • Being raised with a moral foundation and compass to guide my life is fantastic. 

  • When I started the sentence tonight when it was time for the kids to get ready for bed, "It's time to..." and Julia very unexpectedly and enthusiastically said, "SHAKE IT!"  and then when I asked, "Shake what?" anticipating a conversation on propriety, she said, "Myself!" and we both got the giggles?  You guessed it, it was:  Fantastic.

It is so easy to look around at my life and see the negatives.  And there are plenty of reasons to be not so thrilled with things.  Making myself sit down and find some positives was a fantastic exercise.  Thanks Nat.  It was either this or medication which, after my pathetic attempt at finding fantastic this morning, seemed a pretty good next step! :oP

So, let's pass on Nat's question.  What is fantastic in YOUR life today?


  1. It's fantastic to step outside my door and hear the ocean thru the trees in the distance. To be decorating the house for the holidays, and see so many old classic items that have been around "forever." To be picking up my 15 year old daughter after her audition for a play after school and be supportive either be lucky enough to be going on line to buy some gifts for the kids.
    Good therapy; thanks!

  2. Beautiful, wonderful, sweet post! I'm thankful for all I've been blessed with....from the large (beautiful, healthy children) to the small (that gorgeous full moon bright, I gotta wear shades...) to the music that can somehow pull me out of the biggest funk.
    Thanks for reminding what's important!

  3. Maureen: I love digging out the decorations, too. Some of the ugliest, oldest, disintegrating, hand made ones are the most important. And the ocean? Oh how I miss living near water!

    Kathryn: Isn't music great? I had a friend who had a tape (this was awhile ago!) of "break up music." He'd put it on when he wanted to wallow. LOL It's amazing how music can effect our mood. Love it!


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