Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 86:

Dear Santa,

I know you're kind of busy this time of the year, but I thought I'd pop you a quick note because, well, I was thinking about you today.

As you probably know, what with your rather spooky ability to know all, today was my last photography class. *sniff*  I feel that I have so much to learn still, but there's really nothing else for me to do but practice the skills Michelle has taught me until they become second nature, which right now they are not, and then I'll be able to gradually get to where I want to be. I'm light years from there yet.  And I certainly need a different lens.  We talked about that a lot today.  She said that I'm at a point where I'm finding that my little kit lens is frustrating, and that I really can't get any further with the lens I've got.  I know that, and have known it for ages.  I want that sweet bokeh, man!  And unless the conditions are perfect, my lens just can't produce it.

This is the lens that I have (photo courtesy of my old powershot and no Photoshop skills.  Photoshop would also be nice, but that's a letter for another day year):

And this is the lens that I would like (photo courtesy of Canon):

Dearest Santa, you know that I've tried to be good this year.  I've stopped myself from doing and saying a lot of things that, although it would feel good at the time, would in retrospect have been a bad idea, and it has been such a difficult year that really, that's got to count for a lot, don't you think?  So would it be at all possible to pop this lens in my stocking at Christmas? It's not that large, so it wouldn't take up much room in your sleigh.  As a matter of fact, it would probably fit inside a stocking perfectly, and you won't have to pad things up with oranges and nuts and such, or take up valuable tree trunk space. 

I haven't sent you a letter since I was a kid. To tell the truth, I don't know that I wrote to you even then. So I think I've let you off the hook over the years. I was saving up my NPPP (North Pole Present Points), and now I'm calling them in.  I'll work on the light kit and other goodies, Santa.  The lens is the biggy, though, and I'd really appreciate your help in this matter.

Thank you very much.  I'll leave cookies.  And Tums.  Just because I care about your well being THAT much.




TKW said...

That's a gorgeous piece of equipment!!

Maybe leave a cup of spiked cider for Santa, just to sweeten the deal!

Lynn said...

TKW: Good idea! Frankly, I don't think even if I were an angel that I'd be lucky enough for it, but one can always ask. LOL It would probably be more effective to have an elf get Santa a bit tipsy while he's reading my letter. :oD

;) said...

I send a letter for you to Santa and give him your blog address ;) I think he'll be generous when seing your work ;)

Lynn said...

Otli: HEY! I never thought of sending letters of reference! Great idea. :o)

Home Again said...

Maybe you could send Santa the rebate coupon for $80 to take a small portion of the financial burden away if he doesn't have time to make the lense himself. Since he knows if you are naughty or nice I wouldn't go for the spiked eggnog trick. Besides, I see that going poorly in his sleigh flying skills and he is likely to visit your house it EST before ours in PST...if you catch my drift.

Lynn said...

Sis: Santa needs a designated driver anyway, what with the eggnog he probably consumes along with the cookies. Just saying. ;o) On the other hand, he could get the gifts mixed up and leave me, oh, hunting camo or something and the lens somewhere else. That would never do. I guess a sober Santa is a safer Santa in all respects.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Cookies and tums; Santa should totally be getting the grown ups presents. We know what he really needs to feel thanked.
Hope he was listening...