
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 147: Mint chocolate madness

Chocolate mint-chip cookies as modelled by Miss. J:

And as modelled by me:

And as partly eaten...

Now they are safely ensconsed in the cookie jar guarding against a chocolate famine.

I'm so tired of taking photos of food these days.  Sheesh. I DEFINITELY need to get out of the house. 


  1. But they did look delicious at least she enjoyed them.... yum

  2. Kim: Yes, she got into them, didn't she? LOL I'm one of those bad moms who still lets their children lick the bowl and beaters, raw eggs and all.

    Otli: teeehee. Kids with messy faces are so photogenic!

  3. Is there anything better than mixing the two most wonderful flavors in the world?!

  4. Aw, a chocolate face any mom would love!

  5. Suzicate: I agree on the chocolate mint. Whoever first paired those up has a special place in heaven, I'm sure.

    Robert: I think I see a fleck of chocolate on that smile...

    Maureen: LOL! She was licking the beaters. Messy, intense work, that.


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