
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 150: Whew! A Few!

I took WAY too many photos today.  A few things were going on.

First:  More snow:

Then a few Valentine's Day photos.  A friend lent the props.  This type of thing isn't really something that I usually do, so it was a bit of an adventure:

Both dollies are FINISHED!  They're haired and clothed:

Just realized when I see this photo that the dolly's cheeks need a bit of colour.

WHEW!  BUSY day!


  1. They're darling! I think I like the one of Adam best!

  2. That red bird is beautiful. The doll turned out lovely.

  3. What cutie pies!
    I love that cardinal in the snow. And wow, that doll is awesome!

  4. I do, too, Sarah. Julia was being a, and I kept getting photos with weird angles that made the shape of her face look odd. *shakes head*

    Charlotte: Thanks! I've gone kind of cardinal crazy this winter, I'm afraid.

    Maureen: I'm pretty pleased with the dollies. And I love that Julia loves them so much. There are very few things that she has taken to in a big way. The dolls appear to be the ticket, thank goodness.

  5. Love the cardinal. Great job on the dolly...looks just like her! Great pics!

  6. Love the cardinal in the tree. Almost as she/he is posing just for you. I so adore the little sweethearts posing for their valentine too. xo

  7. I love, love, love the picture of the bird in the snow. That reminds me of Robert Frost's poem...forgot the name...but it's about a bird that is happy, despite winter.

  8. I love, love, love the picture of the bird in the snow. That reminds me of Robert Frost's poem...forgot the name...but it's about a bird that is happy, despite winter.

  9. Beautiful shots the cardinal we don't have them here it is beautiful. And what a great processing job. I have two beautiful nadmade dolls like this a friend made for my 4oth, they depict her and me, colouring and stuff so cute. will show you the pics.

  10. These picture for sure do reflect the love they do receive.

  11. So cute! Love the photo of the kids sticking out their tongues!

    And the dolls are beautiful! Just fabulous!


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