
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 167: Ow.

Dug out the lonely, dusty, hibernating weights yesterday to use while I Wii ran.  I am pleased to report that while I could only go about a quarter of the complete island lap with the weights yesterday, today I made it through the whole thing.

I can't feel my arms...


  1. Otli, I so wish. But no. I did the whole thing again today and tried to imagine my arms getting nice and toned. I wish the results were more immediate. I'm all for instant gratification in the exercise department.

  2. Oh Lynn you are so much better behaved than me, I have Wii Fit and I set up my little mii person a week or so ago and did all my exercise, got distracted for a few days and when I went back my mii was sleeping and obese how funny. Bit of a rude wake up call. Good for you


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