
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 194 Corner View: Local Architecture

This was a fun challenge. I just wish I had more than half an hour to accomplish it!

My town is a strange mix of pre-1886 and post.  A major flood wiped out much of the town in the late 1800s, leaving a smattering of old, stone buildings downtown and some beautiful Victorian homes at the top of the hill. There is a predominance of beautiful fieldstone, if you can find it among the industrial brick and boarded up buildings that came about when the town started to decline after the steel and coal industries went kerphlooey.

I only had half an hour to race downtown for a few quick pictures.  I hope you enjoy them!

The first are a few photos of a church built in 1844.  It's a very neat building--all curves.  I wish I could have found a place to show you the whole thing, but you get the idea.

Across from it is a hotel.  Much newer.  I'm not sure what's with the grecian columns.  I have nothing AGAINST grecian columns as a rule, but they look really, really out of place on top of this particular building.  But what do I know?

Next to this, yet another church:

I couldn't not show you what made this town what it is today.  It's not pretty, but I it just wouldn't be honest not to include it here.  Not sure if it counts as architecture, though!

For more CVs, go pay Jane a visit at Spain Daily.


  1. Love the churches! The details that went into older buildings always amazes me, truly masterpieces.

    Thank you so much for the info on the blog. I haven't had a moment to give it a try, but I will. Smile... xo

  2. I like the photos of the churches. They say so much about the history of the country when they were built.

  3. Pennsylvania. I recognize it, the beauty and the history and the place where people work too. To me it is old America.

  4. What a visit ! and pictures ;) I particularly like the last one...

  5. How nice to see a glimpse of your environment and its content.
    A very good picture, the second one, that reminded me much of home, as roofs over here tend to be flad and mostly made of concrete.
    Have to express that these "corner view" challenges and your photography of it, is very impressive.
    Please have you all a nice Friday.

  6. Joyce: You're welcome. Takes less than 5 minutes. You won't lose a thing! Thanks for stopping by. I love old churches, too.

    Maureen: Isn't it, though? It is so unique. And it has this peaceful little courtyard spot right by the river. I could have stayed there all day.

    Angie: I sooo agree! And this place has plenty. They say there's a church, a pizza joint, and a bar on pretty much every intersection in this town. Not so far from the truth!

    Theresa: I feel a bit the same. It's kind of sad, though, how things have deteriorated so much. Still very beautiful, though, especially at certain times of the year.

    Dar: Thanks! They were very quick. :oP

    Otli: Whaaat? That surprises me, somehow. But I had a lot of fun taking them--moreso than the others, I think.

    Robert: The roof here is pretty unique. I haven't seen others like it. The whole building is really, really interesting. Built in 1844--pretty young by Greek standards, to be sure, but pretty old for around here. :o) Thanks for the complement, too. Made me smile.

  7. look at that first church. topsy curvy indeed :)


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