Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 200: Rabbit in a Jar

Oy.  All set to do the maple photo today, but it is way too late to do justice to the post.  So here's a photo of some bunny s'mores that some friends gave me yesterday.  You add melted butter, apparently, and put the mixture in a pan and bake.  Voila! 

I think the bunnies are looking a bit worried, don't you? With good reason, since this weekend they are going to be toasted,.  Mwahahahaha!


Joyce said...

A neat idea!! I must have been sleeping under a rock- I never heard of this! Sounds yummmy... Let me know how it taste. xo

haservices said...

It is getting to the point that my stomach starts to growl as soon as I think about your blog. Everything looks so yummy. Need food!

Melissa {Suger} said...

You are correct... They look terrified. Poor dears. I'm loving your blog btw. And how funny is Nat.

likeschocolate said...

Never had that before. I bet it taste yummy! Happy Spring!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

So cute. And colorful!