
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 200: Rabbit in a Jar

Oy.  All set to do the maple photo today, but it is way too late to do justice to the post.  So here's a photo of some bunny s'mores that some friends gave me yesterday.  You add melted butter, apparently, and put the mixture in a pan and bake.  Voila! 

I think the bunnies are looking a bit worried, don't you? With good reason, since this weekend they are going to be toasted,.  Mwahahahaha!


  1. A neat idea!! I must have been sleeping under a rock- I never heard of this! Sounds yummmy... Let me know how it taste. xo

  2. It is getting to the point that my stomach starts to growl as soon as I think about your blog. Everything looks so yummy. Need food!

  3. You are correct... They look terrified. Poor dears. I'm loving your blog btw. And how funny is Nat.

  4. Never had that before. I bet it taste yummy! Happy Spring!


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