
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 210: My son the princess

Fell asleep before posting yesterday--as sometimes happens!  But here's a photo.

What with one thing and another, I was able to spend the entire day with Adam.  Meryl was at drill and there was a technical glitch that kept me from work soo...

We had FUN!

The most requested game?

Pretty Pretty Princess.

This is one boy who will definitely grow up being in touch with his feminine side.

Isn't he lovely? 


  1. Worth to become a king. Wishing him all the very best for the future.
    A wonderful start into the new week for you all.

  2. My little boys love to dress up, too. And I snap photos. (Mostly for future blackmail!)

  3. Cute. I think turquoise might be his color. My youngest loved the movie "Beauty and the Beast" and the older son teased him nonstop about it!


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