
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 284: Corner View: Noticing

You know, I've never really been a pizza lover.  Not sure why.  The ingredients separately I like, but together they just didn't work for me.  That said, being a member of this family, I've had to learn to eat pizza.  There's one pizza place in town that a friend of mine owns that I quite like (OK.  Really like.  If we're ordering, it's from there or I put my foot down!), but generally pizza and I have a guarded relationship.

And then, two weeks, ago, I discovered the deli pizza at a place which shall remain nameless to protect the innocent (namely me!)And do you know what I've noticed:

Pizza can be really, really delectable. 

Especially this Tuscan Vegetable, of which I will not even begin to tell you how much I ate tonight. 

Oh.  Yum.

If I could have the recipe for this crust and be able to make it work (yeast and I are also not particularly friendly) then we would be eating this pizza every week. 

Do you know what else I've noticed?  Jane at Spain Daily has this great Corner View thing going, and really you ought to check it out!

Also, if you didn't check out the post about my new camera bag, and you're looking for something stylish and handbag-like for your DSLR, please do.  So far, it's working really great, and I want to tell the world!


  1. That really does look delicious! I love veggie pizza, but the kids only ever eat plain old cheese pizza, so I lose out. Once in a while, my hubby and I will go to Pizza Hut for their lunch buffet, and I totally go to town. I figure I can, since I skip eating it every other time. Works for me! :)

  2. I wish I could reach in a snag a piece of this amazingly scrumptious looking pizza! Pizza is one of my all-time favorite food groups, that and a good hoagie!


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