
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 288: Poor, dear, little nuthatch.

Even in death, beauty.  

This poor little nuthatch tried taking a shortcut through our kitchen window.  I wasn't sure whether to take a photo or not, and sat next to the bird for quite a while, marvelling at the beauty in the pattern of its breast feathers, before going inside for my camera.


  1. He is beautiful. Such lovely macro detail. I hate when these birdies commit hari-kari in my windows.

  2. Maureen, I know what you mean. That little dull thump at the window makes my heart sink. This appears to be the only one who didn't recover, at least so far, poor guy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That detail is fantastic. Very lovely, even though dead.

  5. Reminds me of a saying that somewhere i read, yet can' remember where, saying, that "if one askes you to walk a mile, invite him to walk two with you."

    Sometimes surely worth. Respectful photography indeed.


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