
Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 313: Night of Music

Had a lovely evening at an open house this evening.  The music featured Max and others that he knows that are musically talented.  When I see this young man on stage, I can't believe he's only 16.  He has such presence, maturity, and talent.

I brought my camera, but the light inside the house was too dim for photos without a flash, and I didn't want to be distracting to everyone, since it was an intimate group.  But here's a photo that I took outside of their house.  The building originated in 1914 as a one room schoolhouse, but has been added on to very convincingly and now is being used not only as their family residence but as a bed and breakfast. 

Was so very pleased with the kids tonight.  They were so polite and considerate of what was going on, sitting nicely during the music bits and going outside to happily play when they got tired of it.

Speaking of tired, my nose is hitting the keyboard, here.  Picure below.


  1. This is a fabulous picture...interesting house, really love the sun through the tree limbs!

  2. gorgeous shot i love that sun peeking through


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