
Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 363: All downhill from here...

Adam and I took a long walk this afternoon down an unknown trail.  Johnstown is known for its Inclined Plane. Here is a photo of it, not taken by me:

You can see how steep it is. 

We live in the neighbourhood at the top.

And today Adam and I walked the hiking trail along the mountainside.  Narrow switchback trails covered in rock interspersed with beautiful, wide, grassy areas.  We didn't make it all the way down, since we had to go back up in time to meet Julia after school, but we did have a lovely time and walked probably a little bit more than half way.  Adam wants to go all the way to the bottom because, apparently, that's where the "old people like to hang out." 

Here are a couple of photos.  Nothing too interesting, particularly.  Strangely I had my macro on my camera.  Why?  Not sure.  I'll do better next time!


  1. beautiful pictures. i love the itty-bitty waterfall ;-)

  2. Hi Lynn! Inclined Plane. I've been on one of these I believe in either Harrisburg or Pittsburgh. I often get the two confused!!! And I've lived in PA for over 30 years!!! Love your pictures.

  3. How impressive indeed. Must feel wonderful to ride. The colours of your second pictures are incredible.

    With two days left to complete the year, one wonders what's coming up...please have you all a good Wednesday.

  4. I love the pictures, especially the colours on those berries.

  5. I didn't know that is where you live. I just read a book about the Johnstown flood.


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