Saturday, November 6, 2010

Back, around, over, and under

Taught Julia how to knit this evening. 

Now she's a knitting machine.

I think we might be getting scarves for Christmas.

The end.


Erin said...

Just stopping by to say hi. Sorry it's been so long... hope you are doing well. :) I have to re-teach myself how to knit each year! My youngest wants to learn, but I'm not sure I have the patience to teach him just yet... I'm afraid if I wait until he gets older he will lose interest though. Hope you're having a wondering weekend. Blessings, Erin

Anonymous said...

Humankind is intelligent, because of having fingers. Concratulations upon this achievement. Please have you all a good new week.

daily athens

Leovi said...

It's nice to them with love from small.

christina said...

So sweet.
My daughter and I went to a knitting class, a few weeks ago. We loved it.
: )

likeschocolate said...

My mom taught me how when I was about their age, but unfortunately, it didn't stick.