
Saturday, January 15, 2011

toasty much?

Cinnamon raisin bread.  In the toaster.  Set on the lowest possible setting.


I think I have a toaster gremlin, because when I put in the next two pieces they barely got brown on low and I had to stick them back in THREE times to get that beautiful, golden color.

Just thought I'd share.  My life is THIS exciting!  :oD


  1. Woah. That looks suspiciously like some of my handiwork, sweetie!

    I use a toaster oven...and I don't fare any better. It, 20 minutes to toast a piece of bread.

    It's a beautiful photo, though!

  2. Definitely time for a new toaster! I hate burnt toast! Better luck next time.....

  3. Ah, toaster gremlins, know all about them. Hate it when my toast comes out looking like this. Steaks are charred, not toast. But I do love the photo.


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