
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


While the boys were out fishing the other day, and Adam was hauling them in, the girls were out having some fun of their own!  Horseback riding at Sis' house!

HA!  Just noticed her shirt!  Too bad, Emma muh dear!

Julia and Ami

Lovin' leather.

You should have heard these girls giggle when they broke into a trot on the ponies.  There's nothing like it!

Mr. Cowboy with a grin as wide as all outdoors.

Picking berries while waiting their turn.

My Julia girl, riding all by herself for the first time.


  1. Soooo fun Megan is totally jealous now she can't wait to go back to Canada and ride horses.

  2. I love your people shots! In Julia's pic, the last one, the expression on her face looks like, "Oh Mom enough with the camera already!" Although I suspect your kids and your family are used to your camera. Great shots.


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