
Sunday, August 5, 2012


Meet Alyssa!  She's my Forest Hills Ambassador this year.

It was really too hot to take photos--almost 100 degrees--but she was a sport and away we went to get some images for her rep cards.

Alyssa loves art and reading.   Since I can't draw a stick, I'm pretty impressed!

OK, OK.  Here's one colour one.  Just because I love ya!  See?  She's just as beautiful in colour.  :)  Just wait until we do the rest of her shoot--in a sunflower field when the flowers are out.  I can HARDLY wait!  

Thanks so much for hanging out with me in the heat, Alyssa!

1 comment:

  1. What a smile! What eyes! You do capture the personalities of all the people you photograph Lynn! I true talent indeed!


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