
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 126: Corner View Holiday

The theme for this week is "Holiday," and since all of the holiday decor, minimal as it was this year, is put away, I struggled with what to post today.  In the end, I realized that since I moved away from home after high school and moved to another province, most of my holidays have involved travel. Yes, there have been a few where I (then we) have stayed at home, but many times it was on the move.  First, it was the long drive over the Rockies from Alberta go BC to go home from University when there was a break.  Then from the Lower Mainland up north.  Then, when I finally felt really grown up, I took a trip to California for fun and to escape the liquid sunshine of spring in Vancouver.  Flew to San Diego, then rented a car and drove to see a friend in Arizona.  And so it went.  Now as a family our holidays usually involve a good portion on the road.  For example, in the past couple of years we have driven to Williamsburg for Thanksgiving, Ontario to the airport to take a flight to BC, camping, driving to Chicago, driving to Philadelphia, driving to Baltimore, driving...all over. 

I've use my keys a lot.

This last summer, we went camping  near Palmyra in NYS, then north to Toronto, where the kids and I hopped on a plane to British Columbia.  When we entered the airport parking, we heard a "crunch."


The car top carrier on the van made the vehicle too tall for the height of the parking lot, and we had completely forgotten that it was there.  It looked like someone had taken a giant can opener to the carrier.  The only thing we could do, since by that point we were stuck in the garage, was take it off, shove everything in the van, since it was going be less some luggage and people, and leave the carrier there.


Lesson learned. 

We're thinking NYC next.  We're only a five hour drive away. 


  1. oh no, what a horrible feeling that Crunch must have been!
    You sure do a lot of driving! I still haven't gotten to Williamsburg, tho I really want to.
    Do go to NYC; your kids'll love it! It's one of my favorite places on earth!

  2. I vote for NYC. Come see my post! And Happy New Year!


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