
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 127: Abuelita

After breakfast, I roamed the kitchen aimlessly, not sure why, knowing I should just leave and get on with the morning but feeling that I wanted something warm, but not herb tea, and not apple cider and not cocoa from a can.  And then, beckoning from the top shelf, a box of Abuelita.  A shaft of light beamed down upon it, and I knew it was meant to be.

If you haven't had Abuelita before, you must try it.  If you can't find it at your local supermarket, you can order it on Amazon.  It's a block of chocolate/cinnamon heaven, which you swirl in a blender with heated milk to make a drink worthy of kings. 

Yum.  Now I can tackle the day.

*I should note that I'm not paid to endorse this product.  It's just too yummy not to share.*


  1. I have never heard of it...but if it involves chocolate count me in! Off to amazon to take a peek, Kim

  2. MMMMMMM. Sounds heavenly, sill have to check it out!

  3. I thought that meant Little Grandma in Spanish? Sounds good.

  4. Great idea! I haven't had Abuelita forever...I'm off to the kitchen for one now.

    Love the photos!

  5. now this is what's up! i love love it!

  6. I have never heard of this! Oh, yummy.


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