
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 225: TOFW #2

Hilary Weeks at Time Out For women.  We also heard Mary Ellen Edmunds speak (hysterical lady.  Corny jokes.) and Kris Belcher, who has suffered cancer in her eyes off and on since she was 7 months old, completely losing her sight 6 years ago.  She had us in stitches and in tears, with her stories about being blind, but being able to find light and hope in her life.

But here's Hillary.

I think in this photo, she's singing this song about laundry.  Not a particularly good video of it, and the sound is less than optimal, but I think women everywhere (and some men, including my own dear hubby, who has taken on laundry duty since being off work) can relate:

But she also sings beautiful pieces that she writes herself (some listed in the related vids above).   Lovely voice.  I'm not usually into that soft pop/country/not sure what to call it inspirational music, but some of her songs are really nice.  I also really enjoyed the little segues into the songs.  She's sweet and funny, too!

OK.  I've got to be up at 4 a.m. to get to the airport.



1 comment:

  1. I love Mary Ellen Edmunds! She used to do a Relief Society "talk" every Sunday in the MTC.

    Sounds like you had a really good time. I'm jealous! :)


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