
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 226: One little monkey

...jumping on the bed.

Just had to post a pic of myself, jumping on the bed at the Marriott (I know.  I can't believe I'm here, either.  It was an amazing deal, let's just say).  Are my kids with me?  Nope.  They're at home with Meryl, who has been extremely supportive of my taking this trip up north.  He has been just great.

I'm off to catch the 5 a.m. shuttle to the airport, so this is my post for the day.

Have a good one!  Back tomorrow, from Beautiful British Columbia.


(By the way, this bed?  Was the comfiest bed in the world. I'm wondering if instead of the shampoo and aromatherapy body lotion if they'll let me take the bed instead.  No?  Oh.)


  1. Hey there, thanks for the comment on my blog! You have some great photos! Nice site!

  2. So glad you had a great time. I always jump on the bed, too. I had to drop by to tell you that I've see the Antwerp video and I cried, too. In fact, more than once.

  3. One can nearly hear and feel the joy. Makes one glad to read about your happiness. Please have you all a nice start into the new week.

  4. There is so much fun in this photo.

    You know, I have never jumped on the bed! There is a part of me that thinks I'll get in trouble. Hmmm. Interesting. I may have to explore that.

  5. Ha ha ! Funny girl ! Have a nice time ! Enjoy !

  6. I'm glad you had a wonderful time. Love the photo of you on the bed, but I would hide this photo from future evidence held over you by your little ones. Smile.... xo

  7. What an intriguing picture. It is a beautiful bed too.

  8. Was it one of those Dormia beds? That's what I have and I seriously want to marry this bed.

    Loved seeing you jump on it!


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