
Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 281 (Taken 06/20/2010) Bee Bottom

Out in the garden and heard the bees buzzing around the lavendar.  Thought it would be fun to try out my unused macro converter.  It doesn't work THAT great.  I still have to be really close, and these little guys move really fast.  But here are a couple:

Nose stuck right into the flower.  I felt like doing the same thing--the lavendar smells sooo good out there!

While the honey bees were kind of shy, this teensy, weensy--almost microscopic--little guy wasn't worried about me at all!  Small bug syndrome, showing a tough front!

Bee with attitude.  He simply turned his back on me.  Cute little bee bum, though.  Maybe he's just a little bitty bee exhibitionist.

Messing around with grasses.  Shows that I haven't trimmed around the herb beds much.  Erm...

And finally, this.  A bird in the dusk singing goodnight from the phone line.

I wish my goodnights sounded so sweet!


  1. Wow I love these shots i find myself taking these sorts of pics all the time nature is just so incredible to capture like this great work

  2. Thanks, guys. I never realized how fuzzy little insects were until I started getting up close and personal with my lens. Very cool.


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