
Friday, December 3, 2010

Snow, part 1

Where did Autumn go?  I mean, really.  It can't possibly be winter.

I refuse to believe it. 

I'm getting my rake.

There still must be some leaves out there somewhere.

Argh.  Guess I'll just have to face reality and dig out the snow gear, coz it doesn't look like this guy is planning on going anywhere soon.

What's the saying?  Fish and visitors start to stink after three days?

Better dig out those guest towels...


  1. Must be decades since last build something alike, already years since the last snow.

    Thank you very much for the memories. Please have you all a good start into the weekend.

    daily athens

  2. I suppose where you live snow arrives much sooner and leaves much later than it does here in the States. I love both this photos!!! I imagine your children built the snowman. This is one of the best snowmen I've ever seen. What a personality he has. I also couldn't agree with you re: Autumn. It seems as we get older the time just seems to fly!!

  3. Ooh. It hasn't snowed here yet, though it's awfully chilly...

  4. that pumpkin looks very pretty in the snow. and it seems the snow is here to stay in our neck of the woods too. i guess we'd better get used to it!

  5. Oh, God. That has to be the cutest snowman. I'm loving the smile!

    How did you guys wind up with so much snow? It's still so early...this doesn't bode well, does it?

    Try to stay warm, sweetie!


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