
Monday, December 6, 2010

They're baaaack!

My little feathered family.  Need to venture out into the blizzard today and get some more mixed seed, though.  I didn't really have to crop these pictures much, and I didn't have my long lens on the camera.  They let us in really close.  How we love these little guys.


  1. What sweet little friends... and nice shots!

  2. oh how cute I love when birds come to feed we have whole families who come it is so sweet.

  3. Life must be good, while having such friends.

    Please have a wonderful Tuesday.

  4. Oh, how we LOVE the Chickadees! They are so sweet and so brave. We tried to get them to eat out of our hands (we'd read they can be that brave) but never managed it. The 2nd one is a woodpecker, right? Connor says it is.

    You and I have the same feeder. How fun! Gorgeous photos, as always...


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