Friday, March 2, 2012


Today I hopped in the car and headed over to see a lady that I haven't seen in ages.  I wanted to take a photo of her hands for the "Hands of Heaven" project.

She has become the foster mom of 4 cats.  Each one has a story.  This little guy (almost a year old now) was found when he was just a few weeks old in the woods north of here.  A friend called J and asked if she'd please take him.  His eyes were all crusty and he was in pretty bad shape, but he was nursed back to health and look at him now!

The only thing is that he's completely deaf, and they suspect he has been since birth.

But oh--what a love he is!

He was playing with my camera bag strap and I moved it with my toe, which is why he looked up at me.  Clicking and calling certainly wasn't doing the trick!  J is trying to find homes for the cats, and I wanted to scoop this guy up and bring him home.  Considering how noisy our place is most of the time, he'd probably be the happiest of all of our pets!  But I think the others might object...

Here are the hands that rescued him.


Amynonymous said...

That kitty looks almost exactly like my own rescued cat (who also happens to be deaf since birth). :) PS - the hands pictures are all beautiful.

Chris O said...

The photo of this cat is priceless!!! The look, the eyes. Where are his hands, I mean paws? Anyway, thank God for women like her. And her hands holding the Bible? Also priceless.