Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 63: Tools

Adam, 3 years, reaches into a kitchen drawer and carefully pulls out particular tools, one by one.  He knows exactly what he needs and chooses with care.  "What are you going to make with those?" I ask.

His answer?



Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Wow, now those are some waffles I'd love to see!

;) said...

Ha ha !!

Anonymous said...

Having a son, aged two, this entry was for sure of interest to read.
All the best for this Wednesday for you all.

Sheila said...

Cute,nothing is surprising with kids. What would the world be like with out them? Pretty boring.

Carly said...

wow, you make every day tools look stunning, neat photo!

Lynn said...

Maureen: Me too!

Otli: It was--especially when taken into account how careful he was to pick out just the right things. :oD

Robert: Just you wait. 2 is cute--3 is hysterical!

Sheila: Most certainly would be boring. Such funny little things.

Carly: Thanks for stopping by. I wasn't sure whether it would work particulary well, but it was all about the story anyway, so I didn't really take it's composition too seriously. LOL

kathryn said...

Everything's so....shiny. My drawer-stuff doesn't look that good.

Adam sounds adorable (of course). Such a fun age!

Lynn said...

Kathryn: It's trick photography. Mwahaha! Helps that most of it is nylon...